Tech Talent Charter
What is the Tech Talent Charter?
The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is a commitment by organisations to a set of undertakings that aim to deliver greater gender diversity in the tech workforce of the UK, one that better reflects the make-up of the population. Signatories of the Charter make a number of pledges in relation to their approach to recruitment and retention. Although it is very much an employer-led initiative, in March 2017 the TTC was supported in the Government’s policy paper on the UK Digital Strategy. The Government announced at the start of 2018 that all government departments will become signatories in their own right.
Atos are proud to be a signatory of the Tech Talent Charter since May 2018; we share the TTC core principles, which state that:
Tech talent is critical to the future of the UK economy
Participation of females in the technology industry is disproportionally low
A commitment to diversity and inclusion in the recruitment and retention of tech talent is essential to deliver the skills required to fuel our economy and to fully reflect the society that the tech world serves
Signatories of the Charter pledge to promote diversity by:
Having a senior-level, named representative with responsibility for the Charter commitments
Adopting inclusive attraction and recruitment processes, working toward a goal that, wherever possible, women are included on the shortlist for interviews and diverse talent is actively encouraged to apply for roles
Working collectively with other signatories to develop, share and implement protocols / best practice for the practical implementation of the aims of this Charter
Contributing their employment diversity data into a common central anonymised database, for sharing amongst signatories annually, and for publishing publicly in an annual report
Ensuring they have employment policies and practices that support the development and retention of an inclusive and diverse workforce