Supporting vulnerable citizens with multi-agency collaboration in South Wales - Case Study
Case Study – Supporting vulnerable citizens with multi-agency collaboration in South Wales
Identifying vulnerable citizens by sharing intelligence between five public service organisations in South Wales
Blaenau Gwent CBC, Torfaen CBC, Caerphilly CBC, Gwent Police, and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board all currently gather valuable information about the people they serve, but in isolation from each other. There is no collective intelligence to inform their decisions so people at risk are not always prioritised or treated sensitively, sometimes with tragic consequences.
With Blaenau Gwent taking a lead role, the five collaborating organisations are working with Atos to tackle the barriers to information sharing, and potentially prepare the ground for a longer term solution. The vulnerability intelligence project aims to enhance the quality of response, and enable more meaningful strategic needs assessments, based on comprehensive, consistent and accurate information.
Atos has developed a high level solution architecture for both the pilot project which completed in Autumn 2014, and for a potential permanent solution. If the success criteria are achieved, the pilot project could create an important template for inter-agency collaboration and vulnerability identification, for replication all over the UK in future.
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Supporting vulnerable citizens with multi-agency collaboration in South Wales