Digital Vision for London
Digital Vision for London
Digital technology is going to power tomorrow’s cities and public services, fuelled by devolved political authority, retail innovation, and collaboration between the public and private sector.
A collection of thought leadership pieces written by industry experts and business technologists from organisations such as Google, Business Services Association, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SOCITM, Policy Exchange, the Smart London Board and Atos UK & Ireland
Noting the foundations already in place to support London’s digital ambitions, the ‘Digital Vision for London’ sets out where the increased use of digital and technological innovations can support better public services in areas including health, emergency services, local government leadership and transport. Specifically focussing on the need for:
- Redesigning public services for digital accessibility, convenience and value for money
- Modernising policing via better use of data and technology
- Taking transport management into an era of dynamic mobility
- Understanding the future ‘Value of Data’
- Making London the best ‘Connected Experience’ City in the world