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Damian Collins MP – How can regulators keep pace with digitization? | Episode 9 – Digital Society Podcast

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Damian Collins has been the Member of Parliament for Folkestone and Hythe since 2010. A leading voice in the debate around the impact of digitization, Damian was Chair of the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sports Select Committee between 2016 and 2019.

More recently, Damian has Chaired the Joint Committee examining the Government’s draft Bill to establish a new regulatory framework to tackle harmful content online. He has described the Online Harms Bill as a “once in a generation piece of legislation that will update our laws for the digital age.”

Meeting shortly before the publication of the Joint Committee’s report, Damian and Kulveer discuss what the impact of the bill is likely to be, and the continuing challenges regulators face when keeping pace with technological change.

Speaker - Damian Collins MP

Chair, Joint Committee on the Draft Online Safety Bill

Follow or contact Damian:

Linkedin | Twitter | Mail

Host - Kulveer Ranger

SVP, Head of Strategy, Marketing, Comms & Public Affairs, Northern Europe & APAC

Follow or contact Kulveer:

Linkedin | Twitter | Mail

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The Digital Society Podcast

The Digital Society Podcast, hosted by Kulveer Ranger, SVP Strategy & Communications at Atos, brings together journalists, politicos and key policy influencers to discuss how technology will shape our lives going forward and how decision makers can work to ensure it benefits all citizens by helping us achieve things once thought unimaginable.

Find out more about the Digital Society Podcast

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Contact Kulveer Ranger, SVP, Head of Strategy, Marketing, Comms & Public Affairs, Northern Europe & APAC