STEM Ambassadors
Being a STEM Ambassador is about engaging and enthusing young people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our apprentices are invited to become a STEM Ambassador to help encourage students at schools across the UK to consider further study of STEM subjects and progression into related careers, inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals. It offers apprentices the chance to give something back to education and the wider community, whilst giving them the chance to develop their own skills.
Joseph, Software Development Apprentice
‘We have a large Graduate, Intern and Apprentice (GIA) Community within Atos, with members all over the UK. To help bring this community together and help us all grow and develop together, the GIA committee was formed – I am a joint GIA lead representing the apprentice community and help drive the STEM Ambassador team as it comes under my responsibility. This has given me the opportunity to go through the process of becoming a STEM ambassador which I should become very soon. Once I have my ambassadorship, I’ll be able to attend STEM events to encourage young people to study STEM subjects, and show that Atos is very much a STEM company and that their future could be with us.’
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