Atos welcomes LSE students for expert session on Hybrid IT
On Friday 8 February, Atos welcomed students from the London School of Economics to join Mark Walsham, Atos UK&I Head of Hybrid Cloud, for an expert session on Hybrid IT Fuelling the Economy. The interactive session, held at our London headquarters, gave the students an opportunity to learn more about automation technologies, explore barriers to adoption and examine future possibilities.
The event was part of the German Symposium held by the university, focusing on Pioneering Change in the German Economy. Ursula Morgenstern, CEO Atos Germany, joined a discussion panel “Think Digital, Germany” before hosting an afternoon Q&A session.
Cheryl Hatcher, Atos UK&I Head of Learning and Development, said: “The event was very successful and a great opportunity for the students to learn more about Hybrid IT and what opportunities are available.”