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In the news

Previous news

Atos and CloudBees partner to provide modern application development

Atos and CloudBees announced at Google Cloud Next ’19 a partnership to offer a joint solution to help customers modernize their application development practices on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The solution is an integrated service that makes oversight…

CloudBees, Atos partner to offer a CI/CD Stack for Google Cloud

For those organizations opting for Google Cloud as well as new on-premise deployments, services and solutions provider Atos and Jenkins provider CloudBees say they have begun to jointly offer an integrated service as a managed platform for continuous…

Atos’ Denise Reed Lamoreaux earns Diversity Initiative of the Year award

Information Age’s Women in IT US awards recognized Atos’ Global Chief Diversity Officer Denise Reed Lamoreaux as the 2019 winner for Diversity Initiative of the Year at the awards ceremony Tuesday evening. The Women in IT Awards is…

Atos develops access control system to manage biometric screening for Olympic participants

Atos has developed an Advanced Access Control System (AACS) to integrate and manage NEC’s facial recognition system and solutions and equipment from Panasonic to control the facility entry of some 300,000 people involved in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic

Windy Garrett and Tyler Gallagher on Thrive Global

The more we program computers to quantify outcomes, the more resilient we become as humans. So many areas of life, community, and business are attempting to simplify and align to best practices. AI feeds our nature to create…

Artificial intelligence: no longer a business want but a need instead

Windy Garrett, Vice President, Cloud Partners at Atos North America, discusses that while competitive business and targeted customer interactions need AI for successful strategy and overall operational efficiency, 2019 will revolve less around decision-makers’ intuitions as quantifiable data…

Atos steps up with NVMeOF Flash Accelerator Solutions

Atos announced two new flash accelerators for HPC workloads as part of Atos Smart Data Management Suite. These two new solutions – Smart Burst Buffer (SBB) and Smart Bunch of Flash (SBF) – increase the performance and productivity…

Women leading the Artificial Intelligence industry

An interview with Windy Garrett, Vice President, Cloud Partner & Sales at Atos North America. Windy coaches a strategic partner group focused on the dominant cloud companies, in which their goal is to help Atos’ largest clients transform…

Press releases

March 27, 2024

Atos extends partnership with BlueCrest to strengthen critical postal automation services

Five year contract will deepen the Microsoft Azure…

January 17, 2024

Atos upgrading dispatch centers in Michigan to help save lives

New cloud-based 9-1-1 dispatch center technologies to utilize groundbreaking

December 13, 2023

Atos ranked as Leader in ISG Provider Lens™ for Workplace Services in the U.S.

Plano, Texas – December…

October 10, 2023

Atos and TFORM™ collaboration helps healthcare system improve operations, security through data quality

Irving, Texas – October 10,…

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Atos in North America

Atos is the global leader in secure and decarbonized digital with a range of market-leading digital solutions along with consultancy services, digital security and decarbonization offerings. We offer expertise in modern, global end-to-end solutions built around cloud, cybersecurity, high-performance computing, big data, SAP HANA, vital business applications, and the expanding digital workplace.

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Media contacts

Maggie Wainscott

Senior External Communications Manager

+1 903-262-8169

Follow or contact Maggie:

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