Efficiently operate all satellite missions
One platform – multiple missions. Developed with French space agency CNES, Mission Control Platform allows to build state-of-the-art mission control systems (MCS) for defense and civilian satellite missions.
This innovative solution enables satellite operators to build and operate MCS customized to their objectives with the highest standards of efficiency and safety.
Mission Control Platform is in operation since 2021 by CNES and DGA. Several launches with this solution are planned in the coming years (scientific, IoT constellation…).
The challenges of mission control systems
The main purpose of a mission control system (MCS) is to receive, process and display satellite data (called telemetry), and send telecommands to control the satellite during the LEOP (launch and early orbit) and routine phases. Mission control systems must meet several challenges.
The system is critical for operations as outage time may result in satellite loss. Therefore ground systems as well as communications between ground and satellites must be secured.
Satellite operators expect optimized costs for the satellite control element.
Mission control systems feature multiple graphical and programing interfaces that controllers must master quickly.
These systems are operated throughout the satellite lifespan; they must scale to changing mission needs and fast-evolving IT infrastructure. They must also interact with many other systems and comply with international space standards.
The solution
Atos Mission-Control Platform (MCP) combine the best of CNES operational heritage and Atos expertise in developing innovative, performant, secure and future-ready architectures.
Mission Control Platform enables fully automated satellite operations via a powerful automation engine. Controllers work on an easy-to-use graphical user interface: no need for software programming skills.
Based on a standards-compliant microservice architecture (CCSDS, ECSS), the solution is open and versatile. It is fully adaptable to mission objectives, whether defense or civilian, using modular design. Mission Control Platform can run on most hardware platforms, either on premise or in the cloud.
Mission Control Platform is secured on the ground at OS and application levels. It implements encryption and authentication of ground-board communications.
Multi-satellite, multi-mission
Mission Control Platform supports multisatellite missions, and one instance can manage several missions (multimission), to optimize operations of a portfolio of satellite missions.