All the latest financial press releases concerning Atos.Financial press releases
Financial press releases
First quarter of 2019: A good start to the year
Revenue at € 2,818 million +0.4% organic growth Book to bill ratio at 86% Strong pipeline for Q2 signatures Syntel integration moving fast with first synergies materializing Atos recognized as the Google Cloud Global Breakthrough Partner of the Year All 2019 objectives confirmed
Statement from Atos - April 2019
Paris, April 2, 2019 Analyst firm Berenberg issued this morning an analyst note on Atos, which was immediately withdrawn after realizing it contained a material error. This had a temporary impact on the stock price of Atos. The group has alerted the French Financial Markets Regulator (AMF). *** About Atos Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with 120,000 employees in 73 countries and annual revenue of over € 12 billion. European number one in Cloud, Cybersecurity and High-Performance
Elie Girard appointed Deputy CEO
The Atos Board of Directors unanimously approved on March 18, 2019 the appointment of Mr. Elie Girard as Group Deputy CEO (Directeur Général Délégué).
Atos and OneWeb Satellites make the world first mass-production of satellites real
Atos announces that it supported OneWeb in the successful launch of 6 satellites on February 27th, providing all the Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) equipment while achieving the world’s first mass-production of satellites.
2018 annual results
Strong acceleration in orchestrated hybrid cloud. Integration of Syntel and SIX Payment Services moving fast. Revenue at € 12,258 million. Operating margin at € 1,260 million
Atos Investor Day 2019
Today, Atos announces its project to distribute 23.4% of Worldline’s share capital to Atos’ shareholders leading to the creation of 2 listed global pure play leaders. As a consequence, while continuing their industrial and commercial partnership, Atos will reinforce its focus as a leading digital pure player and Worldline will benefit from an strengthened equity profile and enhanced ability to pursue consolidation opportunities.
Atos SE launches the employee shareholding plan for 2018
Atos SE announces the launch of the employee shareholding plan entitled « Share 2018 » under the framework of article L. 225-138-1 of the French Commercial Code
Atos announces the successful placement of its € 1.8 billion triple tranche bond issue consisting of:
Atos today announces the successful placement of its € 1.8 billion bonds issue on October 31, 2018.
Third quarter of 2018
Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, today announces its revenue for the third quarter of 2018.
Atos digital leadership strengthened by the completion of the acquisition of the US-based Syntel
Atos today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Syntel Inc., a leading global provider of integrated information technology and knowledge process services...
Syntel shareholders vote in favor of acquisition by Atos
Paris, October 2, 2018 Atos SE (EURONEXT:ATO), a global leader in digital transformation, today announced that Syntel’s shareholders approved Syntel’s acquisition by Atos at the special meeting held in connection with the transaction on October 1st, 2018. The transaction is therefore expected to close before mid-October 2018. *** About Atos Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with approximately 100,000 employees in 73 countries and annual revenue of around € 12 billion. European number one in Big
Atos and Syntel are granted CFIUS clearance. All regulatory authorizations obtained for the acquisition
Atos today announced that it has been informed that the review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States of its proposed acquisition of Syntel has been completed, and there are no unresolved national security issues with respect to the transaction...
Statement from Atos - August 2018
Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, today would like to react to the note issued by the sell-side analyst from Credit Suisse which has downgraded its recommendation on Atos’ stock.
First half 2018 results
Atos today announces its financial results for the first half of 2018.
Atos to acquire Syntel
Syntel will bring c. $ 1 billion revenue with c. 24% operating margin to Atos Strengthen worldwide Atos Digital solutions portfolio and business Significantly accelerate Atos’ development in North America Double digit EPS accretion as early as 2019 Bezons, July 22, 2018 A powerful combination for Atos by acquiring a highly complementary portfolio, customer base and geographic footprint with 23,000 new joiners highly skilled in digital services. Atos and Syntel have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Atos
Invitation to the conference call on Monday July 23, 2018
Paris, July 20, 2018 The Management of Atos invites you to an international conference call to present a strategic development project. This call will be held on Monday July 23, 2018 at 08:00 am (CET – Paris). At this occasion, the Group will also present its first half 2018 results initially planned on Wednesday July 25, 2018. Related press releases will be issued on Monday July 23, 2018 at 06:30 am (CET – Paris). The webcast of the conference call will
Result of the 2017 dividend distribution in shares
Paris, June 21, 2018 The option for the payment of the dividend in share resulted in the exercise of 62.79% of the rights in favor of a payment in shares. This rate of dividend distribution in shares led to an increase by € 111.6 million in the equity of Atos SE. This transaction resulted in the issuance of 1,063,666 new shares (representing an increase by approximately 1.01% of the share capital and of the effective voting rights
Atos launches the most comprehensive 4G private and tactical LTE communication solution on the market
Paris, June 13 2018 Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, presents for the first time at Eurosatory its LTE critical, tactical, secure and resilient communications offer. The acquisitions of Air-Lynx and Siemens Convergence Creators (CVC) earlier this year, strengthened Atos’ portfolio offering making it now the most comprehensive and integrated LTE offer on the market. The turnkey and easy-to-deploy Atos LTE solution is mainly for critical field communications, ranging from radio to application, with all services provided
First quarter of 2018
Atos today announces the revenue of its first quarter of 2018.
2017 annual results
2017: another year of strong results Very strong acceleration in digital transformation businesses Record revenue at € 12.7 billion +10% at constant exchange rates +2.3% organically Operating margin at € 1.3 billion 10% of revenue +18% organically Free cash flow +25.4% at € 714 million above 55% of operating margin Net income Group share +11% at € 601 million Stronger financial objectives in 2018 confirming 2019 Ambition targets Paris, February 21, 2018 Atos, a global leader in digital transformation,
Atos announces the completion of the acquisition of Siemens Convergence Creators
Paris, January 2, 2018. Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, announces the completion of the acquisition of the Siemens’ subsidiary, Convergence Creators Holding GmbH (CVC), a global multi-industry digital transformation solutions provider. Atos’ intent to acquire CVC was announced on October 2, 2017. CVC delivers software-based solutions in the fields of communication networks and enterprise cybersecurity. For further information: #### Contacts Médias : Terence Zakka - +33 1 73 26 40 76 - terence.zakka@atos
Atos proposes to acquire Gemalto to create a global leader in cybersecurity, digital technologies and services
An all-cash offer of €46 per share Paris, December 11, 2017 Atos , a global leader in digital transformation, announces that it has made a formal proposal to acquire Gemalto by way of a public offer for all of Gemalto issued and outstanding shares. Atos invited Gemalto’s Board of Directors to engage discussions and review collaboratively this potential transaction. On November 28, 2017, Atos has delivered an offer to the Board of Directors of Gemalto which is friendly, compelling, and
Worldline announces the completion of the acquisition of the Indian payment service provider MRL Posnet
Bezons, October 27th , 2017 Worldline , an Atos company and the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry, today announces the completion of the agreement to acquire 100 percent of the share capital of MRL Posnet, for a consideration up to c. 6.5 billion Indian rupees (approximately € 84 million), representing a transaction multiple based on the 2017 estimated OMDA a bit below Worldline’s current trading OMDA multiple. The transaction is financed by the available cash of
Atos recognized by international non-profit organization CDP as a world leader for corporate action on climate change
Atos positioned on Climate A List for fifth consecutive year Paris, October 25 2017 Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, has been awarded the highest score in climate performance by the CDP and is listed on the 2017 Climate A List for the fifth consecutive year. Thousands of companies have submitted information to be independently assessed against the CDP scoring methodology. Among them, 112 companies have made it to the Climate A List worldwide in 2017. Atos is
Third quarter of 2017
Pursuing solid growth in all Divisions Revenue at € 3,002 million +10.9% at constant exchange rates +2.5% organically Order entry at € 2,892 million Book to bill ratio at 96% All 2017 objectives confirmed Paris, October 24, 2017 Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, today announces the revenue of its third quarter of 2017. With revenue at € 3,002 million up by +10.9% at constant exchange rates and +2.5% organically, the third quarter continues the trend