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About Mike Harm

Chief Technology Officer – Workplace and member of the Scientific Community

Mike Harm is the Chief Technology Officer for the Workplace domain at Atos and has spent over 20 years providing, designing, implementing and envisioning differentiated workplace services in partnership with clients worldwide. With a background that spans support services, process engineering, IT Service Management, systems engineering and innovation product management, he is passionately connected to the technological, behavioral, and procedural pulse of the user experience from end-to-end. He is a member of the Atos Scientific Community where he explores the impact of digitization on the human experience, the future of work, and new concepts of productivity and employment emerging from digital trends.

In his role at Atos, he is responsible for technology partnerships, supplier strategic relationships, overall workplace vision and strategy as well as delivery technology policy in the workplace domain and adherence enforcement to those policies throughout service and product development lifecycle.

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Articles posted by Mike Harm

Tapping into human ingenuity: How employees use remote work to do their jobs better

Human beings are incredibly creative and resourceful. During the COVID-19 crisis, we adapted to a situation most of us had never even imagined. Companies adapted, too, shifting to a cloud- and internet-based infrastructure that enabled employees to work remotely. Now, organizations should look at what their talented employees did

From reaction to proaction: The advantage of enabling “anywhere work”

When the first wave of COVID-19 hit, enterprises had to turn on a dime to enable employees to work from home. Even companies that had enabled some employees to work from home suddenly had to spend lots of money and time to expand connectivity and capacity. Virtual private networks (VPNs) that may have been designed…