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Atos Thought Leadership

Blog posts

Welcome to a future as a service (Part 1)

There’s no such thing as standing still in the IT world. In the blink of an eye, the past fades away in our rearview mirror and the future transforms from mirage to certainty. Looking forward is no easy feat, but the future looks bright for those able to anticipate the right trends. In this two-part blog series, we will examine a few of the trends that

Adaptive learning: A key accelerator in human flourishing

According to UNESCO, “Human flourishing is both the optimal continuing development of human beings’ potentials and living well as a human being, which means being engaged in relationships and activities that are meaningful, i.e. aligned with both their own values and humanistic values, in a way that is satisfying to them.”Simply put, this means optimizing the way we live for a more satisfactory and meaningful lifestyle. How can

How IT-OT convergence is accelerating cyber resilience and digital transformation

Although the term operational technology (OT) has been around for decades, there is still some confusion about how OT differs from IT. According to Gartner, operational technology (OT) is the hardware and software that detects or causes a change, through the direct monitoring and/or control of industrial equipment, assets, processes and events.The OT landscape includes industry automation and control systems (IACS) — defined…

Making smart manufacturing in Biopharmaceutical a reality

Digital or disappear The biopharmaceutical industry is facing its watershed moment. From expiring patents to the competition of global companies that manufacture drugs at 1/4th the cost (and sometimes even cheaper), the challenges keep mounting. Biopharma companies are still heavily dependent on their legacy factories. The existing factory structure is not always optimized to produce drugs faster while reducing waste and facing brutal Asian discount competition.The biopharma industry is

Data: The sustainable fuel of the future

As global economies are realizing the value in unlocking the potential of information, they are moving toward capturing and processing data to accelerate development. And this will only grow in the foreseeable future, making data processing a valuable and unavoidable business activity. As critical as this business task may be, it is sure to have an impact on the world around us — including the physical environment and climate…

Making fact-based decisions with a people-focus approach

Leverage the power of data  In an emergency or natural disaster, access to information can be just as critical as access to food, shelter or medical supplies. By leveraging the power of data — whether by pushing relevant information out to residents and first responders or concentrating rescue efforts in areas with more severe damage and vulnerable residents — cities can maximize the value of their…

Mapping the future of technology

For many years now, businesses have been facing increased digitization of their activity. It was a lot about converting physical documents into digital documents; scanning, classifying and storing were the keywords. The business digitalization: clear benefits but risky journey Now, we find ourselves in the business digitalization era. It is a much more fundamental transformation of business models with digital processes, automations, and a reinvention of the end customer experience to become…

Embark on the metaverse journey with SUPER - A 'First Time Right' approach

Today, many CXOs are faced with making an important and urgent business decision (sometimes influenced by a fear of missing out) for their enterprises regarding their investments in metaverse projects. When they look around, they come across a plethora of good articles focusing on how big the metaverse opportunity could be for companies across all sectors. These articles provide…

The era of intelligent infrastructure

Urbanization is putting unprecedented pressure on our resources and infrastructure, city and urban planners are relying on technological innovations to solve the challenges relating to designing and supporting their smart cities and towns, while at the same time exploring and leveraging renewable energy sources to reduce their carbon footprint.Today, 95% of data is non-analyzed and 80% of this non-analyzed data relates to images and videos. Analyzing this complex and voluminous data

A decade of Industry 4.0 investments: Time for review and evaluation

The origins of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) date back to 2011, when the German government initiated a project to promote computerization of manufacturing. Since then, industrial companies have been investing in I4.0 technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT. Lately, there has been a lot of rethinking within the economy as a result of the pandemic, trade wars and the Russia-

Long-term vision, short-term shocks: navigating the global energy crisis with digital solutions

It’s clear that the risks of maintaining a secure and affordable energy supply have been seriously exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. While the long-term vision for a decarbonized future remains the same, in the short term, there are shocks that governments, the energy industry and energy users must endure while accelerating the energy transition.Given their reliance on

EcoAct’s prescription for net-zero biopharma

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased public attention to healthcare, resulting in an increased demand for transparency in the biopharmaceutical industry. Climate-wise, the industry is carbon intensive.According to a study published in 2019, the pharmaceutical industry’s emission intensity is about 55% higher than the automotive industry, despite its smaller size. As a result, companies’ emission reduction pledges and net-zero commitments are given extra significance in today’s time. Over