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Atos Thought Leadership

Blog posts

Creativity matters: The human superpower in an increasingly digital world

Learn how creativity, bravery and empathy make a difference in the digital age.

Redefining trust in our work communications

Extra emails, remote meetings, longer phone calls … The COVID pandemic challenges us on the way we connect and communicate; but it also clearly impacts what we communicate. Data protection and privacy have become a key driver to consider when building trust. Going remote implies choosing the right technology Technology has facilitated the shift to remote working during the pandemic. From file sharing to video conferencing tools, plenty of solutions can…

Simulation and AI/ML riding the digital twin wave

Most organizations across industries have been on overdrive to push digital transformation targeting savings, increasing revenue, or improving quality and reliability. A few common industry challenges such as: • “Help me predict failure of my plant asset. How do we plan scheduled maintenance optimizing operation, logistics and inventory cost? (OPEX)” • “How can we maximize performance/throughput from our assets?” • “How can I send personalize insight and proactive…

What are the Skills required in our ‘new normal’ world?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions on the way we live and work has impacted all of our daily lives over recent months. But with restrictions now beginning to lift, thoughts are inevitably turning to what the ‘new normal’ may look like. There are a lot of unknowns and uncertainty, but it is safe to assume that it is highly unlikely the world will…

What is prescriptive security from a technical perspective?

Prescriptive security is, at its heart, a fusion of technologies and processes designed to reduce the time and effort needed to detect and respond effectively to cyber security threats and incidents. A critical aspect of prescriptive security is its use of automation and artificial intelligence technologies. It is vital that the exact combination of technologies and processes – including where and at what level automation is used –…

Resilience in supply chains: a view from the cyber security frontline

As cyber threats grow and diversify, many organisations have been raising their own bar in terms of cyber security – but increasingly, they are being targeted via their supply chains. Threat actors have always exploited the weakest links they can find and often these are human rather than technological. Adversaries leverage existing relationships of trust because, of course, people are less guarded with…

How accessible technology can help in our rapidly changing world

As the current COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated remote working for millions of people globally, communications platforms play a crucial role in enabling organizations to adjust and cope with new social distancing requirements. Remote and flexible working has tremendous potential to open-up employment opportunities for people with disabilities if delivered accessibly whilst at the same time businesses can learn from disabled employees about how to balance

The role of digital twins in producing a COVID-19 vaccine

Accelerating drug production  Immunization and vaccines prevent 4-5 million deaths every year according to the WHO. Once a vaccine has been discovered and developed, there is huge pressure on pharmaceutical companies to accelerate its mass production. While this brings significant challenges, more rapid responses are now possible thanks to the power of data and advanced computing to help scientists’ model and simulate the…

The new face of home entertainment at the times of COVID-19

We are experiencing unprecedented times in almost any country due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our lives have changed dramatically. When immediate crisis has past, we probably will not be able to live how we used to. We will have to think differently and to find new and the best ways to do things. We will have to adapt, to change the way…

Beyond the crisis: Our future is now - are you ready?

To the question what will the world look like after the COVID-19 crisis, we’d say there is only one thing that is clear right now: our lives will be vastly different to just a year ago. The pandemic has brought some profound changes. We work differently, shop differently, and interact with friends and family differently.

Insurance in the driving seat of change

This article is part of Atos Digital Vision: Ethics opinion paper which explores how embedding ethical reflection into the design of digital technologies can lead to genuine benefits for customers and citizens by helping to address their legitimate concerns about their wider impact, today and into the future.

Additive Manufacturing – bridging disrupted supply chains in times of Covid-19?

The Covid-19 is severely affecting the business of manufacturing customers. Closed borders and increased border controls are disrupting or slowing down supply chains. Looking at pictures with 30-kilometer truck traffic congestion, for example at the German-Polish border, give an impression of the magnitude of problems currently faced in supply chains. Manufacturing industries are therefore in need of concepts and solutions to