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Atos Thought Leadership

Blog posts

The mutation of Cloud Identity and Access Management

The mutation of Cloud Identity and Access Management IAM, a pillar of IT Security Identity and Access Management (IAM) is one of the oldest and most pervasive security controls. It is required for controlling who (user) or what (entity) is trying to establish communication, for what purpose (read, write, modify…) and if it is entitled to. Whatever the evolution of the IT in the coming decades, it will…

Leveraging cloud: enhanced security in a multi-cloud environment

Cloud security has the boardroom’s attention and is preventing some organizations from benefiting from the full power of cloud computing. Let’s explore how businesses can increase trust in cloud technologies as the threat landscape evolves. Security in a multi-cloud environment Cloud computing sees your organizational data move beyond the traditional perimeter, expanding the attack surface. With cloud computing, you potentially share a platform with other

Redefining trust in our work communications

Extra emails, remote meetings, longer phone calls … The COVID pandemic challenges us on the way we connect and communicate; but it also clearly impacts what we communicate. Data protection and privacy have become a key driver to consider when building trust. Going remote implies choosing the right technology Technology has facilitated the shift to remote working during the pandemic. From file sharing to video conferencing tools, plenty of solutions can…

What is prescriptive security from a technical perspective?

Prescriptive security is, at its heart, a fusion of technologies and processes designed to reduce the time and effort needed to detect and respond effectively to cyber security threats and incidents. A critical aspect of prescriptive security is its use of automation and artificial intelligence technologies. It is vital that the exact combination of technologies and processes – including where and at what level automation is used –…

Using the power of cooperation to defeat cybercrime

Philippe Letellier  ITEA Vice-ChairmanPierre Barnabé Senior Executive Vice-President, Head of Big Data & CybersecurityVasco Gomes Global CTO for cybersecurity products, senior expert and member of the Scientific Community Posted on: 9 June 2020 Cybercrime is an ever-growing issue in an expanding and increasingly accessible digital world, where any chink in the armor can be an Achilles’ heel for business operations, anywhere and at any time. As with digital

Beyond the crisis: Our future is now - are you ready?

To the question what will the world look like after the COVID-19 crisis, we’d say there is only one thing that is clear right now: our lives will be vastly different to just a year ago. The pandemic has brought some profound changes. We work differently, shop differently, and interact with friends and family differently.

Industry 4.0: The future of the industry is today!

We all know that Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution, but what are the main technologies that are changing the manufacturing sector?

Evolving as a modern e-state: A new age of government

At the beginning of this new decade, what kind of future governments will evolve given the power of new digital technologies and data now flooding our society? Governments everywhere face similar challenges. In a globalized economy, they must safeguard national security and the rule of law while stretching precious resources to meet the needs of growing populations amidst a widening wealth gap and…

Evolving as a modern e-state: Absolute e-states and data sovereignty

In today’s fast-changing world, while most governments acknowledge they must transform public services using digital technologies, many do not have a clear vision of what kind of digital nation – or ‘e-state’ – they want to be, and for what reason (other than reducing cost and striving for greater efficiency). As I’ve written in some of my blogs, I believe these countries

Evolving as a modern e-state : could governments become obsolete ?

As well as the unicorns who have introduced us to taxi, delivery and retail services we’ve never seen before, there’s been a revolution in the financial services sector that means we can now make payments without needing traditional banks. With FinTechs, we’re seeing new market entrants who can offer such speed and razor-sharp services that their traditional rivals are rapidly

What will user authentication look like in 2030?

123456, qwerty, password, iloveyou, princess, dragon... The 2019 list of the Worst Passwords reminds us that many internet users are still dangerously unimaginative and underestimate cybersecurity issues. Fortunately for them, passwords may well become increasingly rare. Let’s take a look at the perspective future of authentication, with futuristic gadgets and confidentiality issues. Social networks, e-commerce sites, banking applications... On the Web, the number of passwords required has become

Making university campuses safer using digital technology

All too often, we hear stories of terrible events on campuses that result in injuries, and in some cases deaths, of innocent students and staff. According to University World News1 there were over 12,700 attacks on campuses between 2013 and 2017, resulting in over 1,000 students and teachers being seriously injured or worse. In 2018, the US had its worst year on record, with 113 people killed or injured