"AFEP MEDEF recommendations"
Following the publication of the AFEP-MEDEF Code of Corporate Governance for listed companies which includes recommendations on the conditions of executive compensation, Atos Origin, a leading IT services company, committed itself to implement these recommendations.
The Board of Atos Origin met on 22 December to perform an annual review of the follow up of the implementation of these principles by the Company. The Board wanted to ensure that the implementation of these principles is made with regard to the initial recommendations of the Code but also in line with the new AFEP-MEDEF recommendation of April 2010 on the increase in the number of female directors in Boards. The Board also relied on the detailed specifications published by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers – French market regulatory authority) in a report dated 12 July 2010 and by the AFEP-MEDEF on 6 December 2010.
Following the meeting to study this specific topic, the Board of Atos Origin considered that the system put in place by the Company on corporate governance is consistent in its entirety with the AFEP-MEDEF recommendations.
The detailed list of factors which the Board relied on is available, in French.
About Atos Origin
Atos Origin is a leading international information technology (IT) services company, providing hi-tech transactional services, consulting, systems integration and managed operations to deliver business outcomes globally. The company’s annual revenues are EUR 5.1 billion and it employs 49,000 people. Atos Origin is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic Games and has a client base of international companies across all sectors. Atos Origin is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market and trades as Atos Origin, Atos Worldline and Atos Consulting.
For more information:
Anne de Beaumont
+33 (0)6 23 76 19 41