Privacy policy

Our website uses cookies to give you the most optimal experience online by: measuring our audience, understanding how our webpages are viewed and improving consequently the way our website works, providing you with relevant and personalized marketing content.
You have full control over what you want to activate. You can accept the cookies by clicking on the “Accept all cookies” button or customize your choices by selecting the cookies you want to activate. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button. Please find more information on our use of cookies and how to withdraw at any time your consent on our privacy policy.

Managing your cookies

Our website uses cookies. You have full control over what you want to activate. You can accept the cookies by clicking on the “Accept all cookies” button or customize your choices by selecting the cookies you want to activate. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button.

Necessary cookies

These are essential for the user navigation and allow to give access to certain functionalities such as secured zones accesses. Without these cookies, it won’t be possible to provide the service.
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Marketing cookies

These cookies are used to deliver advertisements more relevant for you, limit the number of times you see an advertisement; help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign; and understand people’s behavior after they view an advertisement.
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Social media cookies

These cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns.
LinkedIn Policy

Our website uses cookies to give you the most optimal experience online by: measuring our audience, understanding how our webpages are viewed and improving consequently the way our website works, providing you with relevant and personalized marketing content. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button. Please find more information on our use of cookies and how to withdraw at any time your consent on our privacy policy.

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Atos Approach to Privacy

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

As a global organization with legal entities in 69 different countries and over 105,000 employees, Atos recognizes the importance of data privacy for our customers, partners and employees. We understand that by allowing us to process your data we must be vigilant in our security and data privacy practices. Atos will adhere to its internal policies, procedures, and Binding Corporate Rules while continuing to stay up to date on the latest privacy laws worldwide. Moreover, our Annual Data Protection Report shows our continuous commitment to data protection principles and their implementation within our company.

Scope of the notice

This Privacy Notice informs you about Atos’s privacy practices and of the choices you can make regarding the processing of your data, and how to exercise your rights in relation to your personal data.
This Privacy Notice applies to all Atos Entities Globally and its affiliates.
Atos may provide additional data privacy notices to applicable laws for specific territories and regions. Those privacy policies can be found on country-specific pages and are to be read in conjunction with this privacy notice.
Please note that this privacy notice does not apply to any personal data we process on behalf of our clients in our role of data processors. The data processing contracts that we have with our clients dictate how we are to process your personal data on our clients’ behalf. If you are a customer or employee of one of Atos’s clients and have questions or concerns pertaining to the processing of your personal data, we recommend that you contact the DPO of the relevant clients.



You can learn more about the security measures we put in place by accessing the following link: Atos global data protection statement

Data controller

The Data Controller is the Atos Group, that is responsible for collecting and processing your personal data.

Use of the website and social media

Purpose Legal basis Personal data Recipients Retention
Managing your requests forms and queries  Our legitimate interest Our Name and surname, e-mail, company, job title, IP address
  • Internal: Atos internal webteam
  • External: Claranet (hosting provider)
2 years from the date of reception of the information
Promoting our services and activities over social media (such as…)
  • Our legitimate interest
  • Your consent, when explicitly request
  • Internal
  • External


Newsletter subscriber

Purpose Legal basis Personal data Recipients Retention
Processing of contact details to send you our newsletter(s) Your consent, as explicitly request Name, surname and email
  • Internal: Marketing team
  • External: Marketo



Purpose Legal basis Personal data Recipients Retention
Managing your registration and participant to our Event(s) Our legitimate interest  
  • Internal
  • External
Automatic deletion 2 years after the date of the event
Ensuring broadcasting of an online Event(s), if applicable Our legitimate interest Name and surname, e-mail, job role and company, country, image (for speakers)
  • Internal: Marketing, Sales
  • External: LogMeIn
Automatic deletion 2 years after the date of the event
Managing your feedback Our legitimate interest  
  • Internal
  • External
Taking pictures and/or videos Your consent  
  • Internal
  • External
Publishing and sharing attendance lists Your consent  
  • Internal
  • External
Processing contact details for inviting you to future events Your consent  
  • Internal
  • External



A dedicated notice to job applicant(s) is available at the following link: Job Applicant Privacy Notice (


Clients, business partners and providers

Purpose Legal basis Personal data Recipients Retention
Processing of contact details for the negotiation, conclusion and execution of the agreement Our legitimate interest  
  • Internal
  • External
Client stories      





International transfers

Atos is a worldwide organization. Therefore, please consider that we have distinct legal entities, country affiliates and subsidiaries in many parts of the world. Our internal processes and infrastructure are international in scope and nature and will cross country borders. Therefore, you should be aware that we may share your personal data with other entities of Atos and transfer it to countries in different parts of the world where we have data centers or where we do business, including those located outside the European Union (EU). The international transfer of personal data within Atos Group will be covered by Atos standards as set forth in the Atos Binding Corporate Rules.

More details concerning international transfers to external recipients can be found in Annex I to this document.

Your Rights

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

  • Your right of access– You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
  • Your right to rectification– You have the right to ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
  • Your right to erasure– You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • Your right to restriction of processing– You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • Your right to object to processing– You have the the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • Your right to data portability– You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.
  • Your right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. To learn more about what is the Data Protection Authority that is competent for the processing of your data, please visit our local national webpages.

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights.

In case you would like to exercise your rights or lodge a complaint please use the Atos online form available here.

How to contact us

Country/region specific Privacy Notices