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Atos Expert

About Date Reitsema

Product Manager, Employee Experience

Date Reitsema is an experienced manager with a strong background in the field of IT service delivery and a thought leader in employee experience.

After several business management roles, he structured and led the Atos employee experience program “We Are Atos” — the Group’s key transformation program dedicated to the continuous improvement of Atos’s ways of working. It brings together aspects such as social value, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing, work-life balance and employee satisfaction, which ultimately also drives improved client satisfaction.

In his current role, he has overall responsibility for the employee experience aspects of Atos’s digital workplace solutions. Date is also a member of the Atos Research Community (ARC), where he is co-leader of the people experience domain.

Date Reitsema

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Articles posted by Date Reitsema

Quality of life affects the quality of work

They say "don’t take your work home with you," but what about the opposite?