July 2020 Kick-Off Meeting, Online
Three years after launching the Atos QLM, we are proud to announce the first meeting of the QLM User Club. Due to the current sanitary crisis, it will be held online on July 2nd. The aims of this first meeting are multiple:
- Allow users to share their experiences with other Atos QLM users
- Provide users with updates on the Atos Quantum Program
- Collect their views on what they expect from this initiative.
This initiative is dedicated to Atos QLM users and should thus be built to serve their expectations, that is why the latter is essential and we will devote a great part of this meeting to a round table organized by our two presidents.
Date and location
The first meeting of the QLM User Club will take place on July 2nd, 4PM-7PM (CEST), online
The agenda in brief
4:00 Welcome to the QLM User Club first meeting
Henri CALANDRA & Travis HUMBLE – QLM User Club Presidents
4:05 Argonne - Atos joint research projects
Yuri ALEXEEV – Argonne National Laboratory
4:30 Exploring Variational Quantum Algorithms for Chemistry and Material Science
Elvira SHISHENINA – Total
4:55 The First months of Kvasi, the QLM at CSC
Mikael JOHANSSON – CSC – IT Center for Science
5:20 Quantum Computing – Potential and Opportunities at Rolls-Royce
Leigh LAPWORTH – Rolls Royce
5:45 Technical Update on the Atos Quantum Program
Cyril ALLOUCHE – Atos
6:20 Round table: What do you expect from the QLM User Club?
Moderators : Henri CALANDRA & Travis HUMBLE – QLM User Club Presidents