About Alexandra Nothnagel
Alexandra Nothnagel is Program Manager for Global Accessibility and Digital Inclusion Governance for the Atos Group, as well as the Risk and Internal Control Coordinator for Accessibility. Alexandra is certified CPACC and ADS by IAAP. Alexandra is neurodivergent and depending on the situation and environment, she publicly self-identifies as a person with a disability — aiming to be a role model to help others feel safe in communicating about their needs.
After graduating from Goethe University in Biochemistry, Alexandra worked as MSCA Fellow in Neurobiology at ENS Paris. She also founded ResearchAbility, an international multi-association initiative that fosters inclusivity by supporting the careers of students and researchers with disabilities — for which she received the MCAA Social Impact Award in 2022. Since 2019, she has served on the Board of Directors of the French federation 100% Handinamique, where she is Vice Chair for International Affairs and has a mandate for the French National Advisory Council for People with Disabilities.