Mendix World
Atos is a proud Diamond Sponsor of #MendixWorld 2021
Want to move off #legacy but can’t extract the context and intelligence to modernize effectively? Want to accelerate your #digital initiatives?
Visit Atos virtual booth at Mendix World to learn how our industry-oriented approach and #lowcode services can quickly modernize legacy systems and enable #citizendevelopers. Register now!
There are many different ways to engage with us! Visit our virtual booth, speak to one of our experts, or attend our roundtable discussion or breakout session. Details are below.
Atos will host a virtual round-table discussion on Tuesday, September 7 at 9:30 am EST that will show how Atos and Mendix can accelerate your digital transformation in the manufacturing, banking, healthcare and other industries by leveraging our partner network to deliver value and build competitive advantage.
The Atos breakout session on Addressing the Digitalization Challenge for Siemens Smart Infrastructure will take place on Sept 9 at 11:10 am EST. Join our expert panel to learn how Siemens was able to use a Mendix low-code solution to streamline and automate operations in order to respond faster to changing market needs. Atos and Siemens worked together to design and roll-out a new smart infrastructure tool to its global user base in just three months, using pre-built integration connectors from Mendix.
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Sunil Munsif
Vice President & Sales Director
Arjan VanGompel
Practice Head Low-code Platforms