Atos develops digital platform to accelerate and improve biomedical research in EU
Paris, Madrid, 24 January 2019
Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, is leading the development of a digital platform as part of European research project FAIR4Health. Atos will design, create and implement the platform, which will enable the EU health Research community to share and re-use their data, within a safe and controlled environment, in order to accelerate and improve biomedical research, in particular in chronic disease.
The FAIR4Health project uses the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), and will apply privacy-preserving distributed data mining techniques over the shared datasets to develop 2 pathfinder case studies: (i) supporting the discovery of disease onset triggers and disease association patterns in comorbid patients, and (ii) a prediction service for 30-days readmission risk in complex chronic patients.The results of this project will serve to guide the the European Commission’s future strategy on the management of data generated with publically funded research initiatives.
The project, coordinated by the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital of the Andalusian Health Service, is composed of a multidisciplinary consortium made up of 17 partners from eleven countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Serbia and Turkey). It includes six health research organizations, two universities internationally recognized as experts in data management, two universities and two institutes with extensive experience in medical informatics, and five business actors, including Atos.
The project officially started on December 1, 2018 and will run for three years.
Press contact:
Laura Fau | | +33 6 73 64 04 18 | @laurajanefau