Hoox smartphone overrides “KRACK” WPA2 Wi-Fi Flaw Test
Hoox, the most secure range of smartphones in the world, has successfully passed the resistance test against the “KRACK” WPA2 Wi-Fi flaw, which was recently discovered by researchers at the University of Louvain (Belgium).
This critical flaw affects all Wi-Fi networks around the world. It potentially allows an attacker to access any content exchanged, by using Wi-Fi access.
Fully secure, Hoox smartphones natively protect users against this vulnerability. In this way they prove their reliability and enable their users to safely enjoy uninterrupted productivity, despite the constantly evolving cyber risks on professional mobility.
Atos, the European leader in cyber security, designed the range of Hoox smartphones to meet the needs of its professional customers, in the commercial and national security sectors, in terms of productivity, confidentiality and reliability.
Hoox protects critical business information and data while allowing users to continue to work as normal, enabling them to preserve their full professional efficiency in a secure Android environment:
- Data encryption (voice, messages, data),
- Control of communication ports,
- Strong level of authentication,
- Hardware encryption
To find out more about the range of Hoox smartphones:
To find out more about encrypted data transfer: https://bull.com/fr/hardware-security-module-hsm/