Countdown to the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang2018: 1OO days to go!
Paris, 1 November 2017
We’re getting excited here at Atos as we count down the days until the opening ceremony of the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, which is only 100 days away.
Atos is proud to be the Worldwide IT Partner of the Olympic Games and this will be the fifth Winter Olympics that Atos has taken part in in this role. Atos has managed and hosted IT applications for 8 Olympic Games, delivering key applications from the Cloud, however this is the first time that Atos will host every application on the Atos Canopy Digital Private Cloud – including accreditations, sport entries & qualification, volunteer portal and other Olympic Games diffusion applications – supported by the Central Technology Operation Center (Barcelona) and the Integration Testing Lab (Madrid).
The 1st week of October saw Atos successfully complete the first Technical Rehearsal, during which 181 people executed 283 scenarios across 5 Olympic Venues where the competitions will take place. This gave all involved the opportunity to operate complete systems, end-to-end as an integrated team to ensure system readiness for the start of the Olympic Games.
Atos organized, ran and debriefed a series of tests alongside its complex ecosystem of partners during this 5-day Technical Rehearsal. During this testing period, security ‘events’ (issues that need to be solved) were simulated while scenarios were running. The Atos team solved these events and classified them depending on their severity level. This is to prevent any disruptions during the competition and to make sure to be fully operational during the Games. A second and final test rehearsal is planned for mid-December.
Marc Gutierrez Aguilar, Atos PyeongChang2018 Chief Integrator says: “ So far, we have achieved 75,000 hours of successful testing and will be ready to deliver the first Olympic Games hosted 100% on the Cloud”.