Atos stands out for the quality of its investor relations
22 June 2016
Atos tops the ranking of the Extel Survey 2016 in no less than 3 categories, rewarding the quality of its relations with the investor community.
Extel has published the results of their 43rd annual survey, totalizing 1.1 million individual votes from a global investment community base, across 80 countries. The pan-European survey highlights achievement across the buy-side, sell-side and corporate communities and among others, rewards European companies that have established the best relationships with investors.
In the Software & IT services sector, Atos ranks first in the CEO and CFO professional categories with respectively Thierry Breton and Elie Girard. Gilles Arditti ranks first in the Investor Relations professional category for the 4th year in a row and Benoit d’Amécourt ranks fifth out of 59.
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