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The latest

September 3, 2024

Eviden helps optimize Electric Vehicle Manufacturing through the European e-BEAT Project

Eviden, the Atos Group business leading in digital, cloud, big data and security, today announced its participation in the European…

September 2, 2024

Market update - September 2, 2024

Atos updates its financial projections for 2024-2027 to reflect H1 2024 results, the current business environment in its key markets, and the expected impact on free cash…

August 1, 2024

Atos reports first half 2024 results

Successful funding of Atos financial restructuring plan  Revenue of €4,964m down -2.7% organically Eviden down -4.2% organically reflecting continued market softness in the Americas and the UK Tech

July 24, 2024

Market Update - July 24, 2024

The Court opens the accelerated safeguard proceedings to implement Atos pre-arranged financial restructuring plan Decision taken by the Court considering the strong level of support from the…

What our clients say about us

Scottish Water and Atos: Partnership in action

Strategic partnership evolves Scottish Water digital operations

UGAP: Leveraging the move to cloud

UGAP: Leveraging the move to cloud Atos and Open partner with UGAP to support the French public sector in its transition to cloud At a glanceUGAP is the leading…

Intelligent networks and integrated service desk at Siemens Healthineers

Atos supports two key projects for Siemens Healthineers, advancing its ambition to digitize the core.

Streamlining manufacturing business with cloud-SAP for Siemens

A holistic set of secured cloud services for agile operations