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Atos Belgium awarded Data Center Services Company of the Year 2024

Atos Belgium won the award for Data Center Services Company of the Year at the prestigious DataNews Awards for Excellence 2024!

This incredible achievement reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in the industry.

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who voted for us. Your ongoing support and confidence in our services have been invaluable.
We also want to express our sincere appreciation to our dedicated team. Your hard work, dedication, and passion have been instrumental in achieving this remarkable recognition.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. This award belongs to all of us!


September 20, 2024

Atos achieves landmark IT delivery for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024: the most digital and secure in history

Paris, France – September 20, 2024 Atos, as…

September 19, 2024

Extension of the accelerated safeguard proceedings period

The Company announces today that it has obtained, from the specialized Commercial Court of Nanterre, the additional two-months initially planned for the accelerated safeguard proceedings

September 17, 2024

Eviden upgrades the performance of Sweden’s Berzelius AI supercomputer for the second time

Eviden, the Atos Group business leading in advanced computing today announces it has been awarded a 4-year multi-million

September 16, 2024

Availability of the adjusted draft accelerated safeguard plan

The shareholders of Atos SE and the affected financial creditors, meeting as classes of affected parties, have been convened to vote on the draft accelerated safeguard…

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What our clients say about us

Scottish Water and Atos: Partnership in action

Strategic partnership evolves Scottish Water digital operations

UGAP: Leveraging the move to cloud

UGAP: Leveraging the move to cloud Atos and Open partner with UGAP to support the French public sector in its transition to cloud At a glanceUGAP is the leading…

Intelligent networks and integrated service desk at Siemens Healthineers

Atos supports two key projects for Siemens Healthineers, advancing its ambition to digitize the core.

Streamlining manufacturing business with cloud-SAP for Siemens

A holistic set of secured cloud services for agile operations

Atos (Tech Foundations) Belux Management

Punit Sehgal

Head of Atos Belux

Patrick Gyseling

Head of Sales

Koen Martelé

Head of Hybrid Cloud & Infra business line

Joeri Van Antenhove

Head of Digital Workplace business line

Veerle Covemaeker

Head of Operations Office

Cindy De Smedt

Head of Marcom

Maarten Jacobs

Head of HR

Frederic De Craene


Eviden Belux Management

Punit Sehgal

Head of Eviden Belux

Enver Basha

Chief Commercial Officer

Koen Segers

Chief Operations Officer

Delphine Cotteaux

Head of HR

Peter Vandeput

Head of Digital Security

Access to our headquarters

Atos (Tech Foundations) Belux

Da Vincilaan 5
1930 Zaventem

Eviden Belux

Da Vincilaan 5
1930 Zaventem

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