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The Atos Digital Workplace Forum London 2024

Copilot for Microsoft 365 Edition


  • Date: 15th October 2024
  • Time: 13:00 – 18:00
  • Location: MidCity Place 71 High Holborn, London WC1V 6EA

About the Digital Workplace Forum

Join us on 15th October 2024 at Atos London (MidCity Place) to explore the unique and remarkable capabilities of Copilot for Microsoft 365, a tool that is revolutionising the digital workplace.

In this year’s edition of the London Digital Workplace Forum, we’ll showcase the transformative power of these cutting-edge technologies. Discover how Copilot seamlessly integrates across your work content and context, providing intelligent assistance, automating repetitive tasks, and empowering users to achieve more in less time.

By attending, you’ll benefit from our internal deployment and adoption story across 5,000 users globally, gaining insights that can be directly applied to your own work. Experience the same success we have already delivered to our customers.

Our specialists will share their expertise and be eager to answer you questions about Copilot for Microsoft 365 and beyond; including: Adoption, Data & Governance, Information Sensitivity, Extensibility, and Value & ROI.

Reasons to attend

  • Learn from Copilot Experts
    Gain insights from leading experts on maximizing the benefits of Copilot for Microsoft 365.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes
    Understand common pitfalls and how to avoid them to ensure smooth adoption and implementation.
  • Demonstrations
    Experience live demonstrations of Copilot in action.
  • Insights from Atos Internal Rollout
    An overview of Atos’ Copilot Business Adoption and Exploitation approach.
  • Full Support from Atos
    Discover our advanced Copilot for Microsoft 365 flightpath, and how we can help you on your journey through six key phases.


13:00 – 14:00
Registration & Networking

  • Welcome and registration
  • Networking opportunities over coffee and light refreshments

14:00 – 14:10
Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • Presented by Clare Stocker, Head of Digital Workplace UK & Ireland
  • Overview of the event agenda and objectives

14:10 – 15:00
Introduction to Microsoft Copilot & Atos Digital Workplace Solutions

  • Overview of Microsoft Copilot for 365 and its benefits for businesses
  • Insight into Atos’ Adoption & Change Management Framework
  • Q&A session

15:00 – 16:00
Expert Breakout Sessions

  • Breakout Room 1:
    Copilot for Microsoft 365 Capabilities and Extensibility
  • Breakout Room 2:
    Copilot for Microsoft 365 Business Adoption & Value Realisation
  • Breakout Room 3:
    Copilot for Microsoft 365 Information Management & Data Governance

    (Attendees can choose what sessions to participate in)

16:00 – 17:00
Demos & Wrap-Up

  • Demonstrations of Microsoft Copilot and Atos solutions in action
  • Summary of key takeaways
  • Open floor for final questions and discussions

17:00 – 18:00
Drinks, Nibbles & Networking

  • Informal networking session with beverages and light snacks

Reserve your place

Thank you for your interest. You can download the report here.
A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly



MidCity Place
71 High Holborn

Tel: +44 (0) 203 635 2181


Clare Stocker

Head of Digital Workplace UK & Ireland

Karl Chaloner

Principal Consultant, Digital Workplace

Gareth Fisher

Future of Work, Practice Lead

2023 Highlights

Whatever your business is, we’d love to help you take the first step towards transforming your workplace. Whether that’s incorporating sustainable, ethical and accessible practices or understanding the true potential AI and automation holds.

Find more about the Digital Workplace Forum 2023

Learn more about Copilot for Microsoft 365

Empower your teams, optimize operations, and drive innovation with the cutting-edge capabilities of AI at your fingertips.

Learn More