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Press releases

November 7, 2014

"Atos successfully signs a new five-year € 1.8 billion revolving credit facility"

Atos, a digital services leader, today announces it has signed a new five year multi-currency revolving credit facility (the “Facility”), for an amount of € 1.8 billion, maturing…

November 5, 2014

"Atos signs major smart metering contract in Austria with Salzburg AG"

Atos, an international leader in digital services, has been selected by Salzburg AG, one of the main energy and infrastructure service providers in Austria, as its lead partner to manage the…

October 29, 2014

"Atos rewarded as “Key Supplier Award – 2014” by Vallourec in the «Corporate Social Responsibility» category"

Atos, an international information technology services company, has been chosen by Vallourec, world leader in premium tubular solutions, as «Key Supplier - 2014» in…

October 28, 2014

"Atos launches its fourth IT Challenge to find the best concepts for Connected Living"

Atos, a leader in digital services, today launched its fourth IT Challenge in partnership with EEBus. This year's challenge to students in 10 countries worldwide is to…

October 26, 2014

"Bull's decision to proceed to an early redemption of OCEANEs"

Atos SE has taken note of Bull's decision to proceed to an early redemption of its bonds, convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares, issued on May 3rd, 2000, expiring on

October 24, 2014

"Atos wins "Top French Investor" category in competition for best foreign investors in Poland"

Atos, an international IT services company, today announced that it won “Top French Investor” category at the FDI Poland Investor Awards. In a tough competition a jury…

October 15, 2014

"Delays to digital transformation projects create concern for CFOs and CIOs"

Canopy, the Atos cloud powered by EMC and VMware, today finds that 75% of CFOs think their business is missing out on revenue opportunities by not having the right cloud applications…

October 15, 2014

"Atos is recognized among the Global leaders by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for its actions to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the business risks of climate change"

For the second consecutive year, Atos,…

October 7, 2014

"The IOC reinforces its trust in Atos to transition IT services for the Olympic Games to the Cloud"

Atos, an international IT services company and Worldwide IT Partner to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), today further explained its IT…

September 30, 2014

"Diamis' CRISTAL selected by SGSS for managing liquidity in T2S"

SGSS has selected Diamis, a joint venture between Atos and Steria, for providing a T2S liquidity management solution in order to support Target2-Securities deployment across entities throughout Europe.

September 25, 2014

"Atos and NGDATA launch omni channel solution with cloud based Big Data services to enrich banks' customer intelligence"

Atos, an international information technology services company, and NGDATA™, the customer experience management solutions company, today launched a Big Data omni…

September 24, 2014

"Atos Worldgrid launches a new Cloud solution for industrial supervision"

Atos Worldgrid, global leader in smart energy management, announces a new industrial supervision solution. Cloud Industrial Supervision, labelled by the Global competitive cluster, Minalogic, and subsidised by the Single Inter-Ministry Fund**, is an…

September 22, 2014

"Atos completes its first major technology milestone for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games"

Atos, an international IT services company and Worldwide IT Partner for the IOC and IPC, today announced that with the successful launch of the volunteer…

September 18, 2014

"Atos is once again awarded membership of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World"

Atos, an international information technology services company, today announced that for the third year in a row, Atos has been selected as an index component of the Dow…

September 17, 2014

"Gartner names Atos a "Leader" in its Magic Quadrant for End User Outsourcing Services, North America 2014"

Atos, an international IT services company, today announced that for the second year in a row it has been positioned by Gartner,…

August 20, 2014

"Evolution of the Bull group governance"

The Board of Directors of Bull, the trusted partner for enterprise data, met on August 19th 2014 further to the success of the friendly tender offer launched by Atos, the international information technology services company, for all the issued…

August 4, 2014

"Atos IT systems successfully relay the Commonwealth Games results to the world and ensure the smooth running of the Glasgow Games "

: International IT Services company Atos, the worldwide Information Technology (IT) Partner of the Olympic…

July 31, 2014

"Atos and Typesafe sign global partnership agreement to serve growing demand for reactive applications"

Atos, an international information technology services company, and Typesafe, the San Francisco- based provider of the world's leading Reactive platform and the company behind the Play Framework,…

July 29, 2014

"First half 2014 results"

Atos, an international IT services company, today announced its results for the first half of 2014. Revenue was € 4,176 million, representing an organic evolution of -1.9% compared to the first half of 2013. Operating margin was € 274.6 million, representing 6.6

July 24, 2014

"Atos is positioned in "Leaders" quadrant for End User Outsourcing Services in Europe 2014"

Atos, an international IT services company, today announced that for the second year running it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the leaders quadrant of the…