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Atos Thought Leadership

Blog posts

Redefining trust in our work communications

Extra emails, remote meetings, longer phone calls … The COVID pandemic challenges us on the way we connect and communicate; but it also clearly impacts what we communicate. Data protection and privacy have become a key driver to consider when building trust. Going remote implies choosing the right technology Technology has facilitated the shift to remote working during the pandemic. From file sharing to video conferencing tools, plenty of solutions can…

Getting Remote Ready: Technology infrastructure makes the difference

We’ve said for a long time that the convenience and simplicity of managing and delivering workplace services from the cloud give you advantages you can realize every day with significant benefits during a crisis or catastrophe.  As Coronavirus impacts nations around the globe, businesses in every industry are having to adapt to the new challenges and demands to keep servicing their customers and maintaining business continuity. Very quickly,…

Fast forward to the future of work - the post-COVID19 “new normal”

The impact of COVID-19 on businesses of all shapes and sizes around the world has caused a seismic shift in how we conduct our work. As we fight to contain the pandemic, we’ve hit the fast forward button on many technologies that were already in place. From remote working to digital events and virtual reality training facilities, these technologies

Beyond the crisis: Our future is now - are you ready?

To the question what will the world look like after the COVID-19 crisis, we’d say there is only one thing that is clear right now: our lives will be vastly different to just a year ago. The pandemic has brought some profound changes. We work differently, shop differently, and interact with friends and family differently.

8 ways to overcome feelings of working-from-home isolation

So by now, we’ve all read up on those helpful working-from-home tips – we’ve gotten into the groove of it, and we’re feeling productive. But after a period of days and weeks, you increasingly notice something is missing. If you previously worked from a traditional office, you might miss the easy back-and-forth of office chatter and exchanging humorous quips with a

Successfully manage organizational change: mission possible!

Organizational change management (OCM) is never easy, regardless of the industry or factors driving the change. All too often organizations focus on the tasks at hand − an implementation, project or timeline to maintain − and only address the effects of change when problems arise. Lessons learned from organizations experiencing transformation can be shared across industries because the challenges encountered are often the same. Expect some healthy resistance Perhaps the most…

Evolving as a modern e-state: A new age of government

At the beginning of this new decade, what kind of future governments will evolve given the power of new digital technologies and data now flooding our society? Governments everywhere face similar challenges. In a globalized economy, they must safeguard national security and the rule of law while stretching precious resources to meet the needs of growing populations amidst a widening wealth gap and…

Evolving as a modern e-state: Absolute e-states and data sovereignty

In today’s fast-changing world, while most governments acknowledge they must transform public services using digital technologies, many do not have a clear vision of what kind of digital nation – or ‘e-state’ – they want to be, and for what reason (other than reducing cost and striving for greater efficiency). As I’ve written in some of my blogs, I believe these countries

Empowering employees one desktop at a time

Gartner released its magic quadrant for managed workplace services. We are very pleased to see that Atos is recognized as a leader and keeps progressing year over year, both in Europe and North America for over 3 years in a row. The speed of change in digital workplace is stunning! Only a few years ago, solutioning a workplace deal meant sizing how many people would answer the phone. It…

Evolving as a modern e-state : could governments become obsolete ?

As well as the unicorns who have introduced us to taxi, delivery and retail services we’ve never seen before, there’s been a revolution in the financial services sector that means we can now make payments without needing traditional banks. With FinTechs, we’re seeing new market entrants who can offer such speed and razor-sharp services that their traditional rivals are rapidly

International Women's Day 2020: Each for Equal

The 2020 International Women’s Day theme is #EachForEqual which seeks to better the gender balance by challenging stereotypes and broadening perceptions to make headway. Here at Atos, the focus is on getting to equal. Our Women Who Succeed program grew from the need to identify women as successors for all key roles, and to subsequently prepare them for these positions. Support comes from ExCom on down, with mentoring opportunities, targeted

Making university campuses safer using digital technology

All too often, we hear stories of terrible events on campuses that result in injuries, and in some cases deaths, of innocent students and staff. According to University World News1 there were over 12,700 attacks on campuses between 2013 and 2017, resulting in over 1,000 students and teachers being seriously injured or worse. In 2018, the US had its worst year on record, with 113 people killed or injured