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Eviden helps optimize Electric Vehicle Manufacturing through the European e-BEAT Project

Madrid, Spain and Paris, France – September 3, 2024

Eviden, the Atos Group business leading in digital, cloud, big data and security, today announced its participation in the European e-BEAT project, one of the winning R&D projects under the CDTI[1] Sustainable Automotive Technology Program, aimed at optimizing electric vehicle manufacturing. Led by Ford, in collaboration with Eviden, Valeo Iluminación, Vodafone, Mahle, TSE and Tyris.ai, this project has a a budget of €8,177,206, with €3,047,020 contributed by the CDTI. The project’s goal is to validate a unique tool that enables intelligent real-time decision-making, allows for the adjustment of component design specifications at the supplier level and facilitates testing of new software without the need to physically build the vehicle.

For more information, please click here.