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Atos and NetApp

Making data infrastructure intelligent

The power of partnership

Building on a partnership that spans over 25 years, Atos and NetApp bring together expertise in data management and digital transformation, providing a collaborative, pragmatic approach to solving complex IT challenges. Over the years, we have pioneered concepts and solutions that would later become industry standards, such as hyperconverged infrastructure and multi-cloud solutions.

Utilizing NetApp’s hardware and software tools for data management, Atos has built a complimentary services portfolio to deliver an end-to-end solution stack for modern enterprises. We have more than 600 joint enterprise clients that rely on our combined solutions to manage the availability and protection of their business-critical data.

Our joint offering provides seamless data mobility across platforms, whether on-premises, in the cloud (full, hybrid or sovereign), or at the edge — in a simple and secure manner — delivered as a managed service or managed by your in-house teams.

Intelligent data management

Over the years, we have seen a drastic reduction in the cost of storage mediums, which has led to an explosion in data retention. Gone are the days of optimizing data space. We now keep data forever, but do you still know what data you need to keep , where it is stored and whether it is secure? After all, your company is built on data. It is your company’s lifeline.

Together with NetApp, Atos Technology Consulting has developed a service that provides insight into where your data is, where it should be and whether it is properly secured. Depending on the outcome of this analysis, we help you implement the necessary changes to ensure you have control over your data again.

Atos and NetApp are dedicated to making your data infrastructure more seamless, dynamic, secure and high-performing than ever before.

Unified data storage

Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery expertise and services to protect data, improve application availability, and assure fast recovery, backed by advanced ransomware protection and security capabilities.

Integrated data services

Design and deploy robust data management and protection for hybrid environments, with expert consultancy, installation and managed services that simplify, enhance and secure data access, while enforcing governance and enabling advanced big data analytics.

CloudOps Solutions

Hybrid cloud management that enables seamless data movement, improves data performance, and optimizes the environment according to usage, licensing and consumption rates. Shift to cloud effectively with a strategy and metrics that support business objectives.

Dive Deeper

NetApp guide

Unleash the power of your data with the new way to unified.

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Fast Facts

Simplifying data management, availability, and protection for hybrid cloud.

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Meet our experts

Edwin Brok

Global Head of Partner Management

  • Email Edwin Brok
  • Follow Edwin Brok on LinkedIn