Page 20 - Atos Digital Performance Management for SAP
P. 20

Where AppDynamics fits in

             the SAP tool ecosystem

             The existing SAP internal toolset assesses the

             quality of performance within SAP itself.

             The tools available do a great job of showing the quality of business

             processes taking place purely within SAP, but for most businesses,

             this is not enough. Business processes are conducted over a number

             of connected applications, e.g., a web front end, an ERP system, and
             an HR system, etc.

             There are several data mining solutions in the market which also do a
             great job of business process mining and analytics—some offering an

             end-to-end view. These tools are focused on the high-level business

             process rather than the underlying application code and infrastructure.

             Atos’s managed service for digital performance management tracks
             and traces every end-to-end customer journey, building a real-time view

             of the complex environment. If required, the service can automatically

             create, enrich, and synchronize a ServiceNow-based Configuration
             Management Database (CMDB) enabling application self-healing.

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