Page 22 - Atos Digital Performance Management for SAP
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Our approach

             Atos SAP migration experts work with you to implement

             Cisco AppDynamics and assess your existing environment.

             We baseline your current business process performance and use the resulting
             insight to plan what to migrate, in what order, and build a business case for

             doing so. During transition, we use AppDynamics to monitor and proactively

             manage SLAs and assure excellent user and customer experience. Following

             migration, we compare the uplift in performance to demonstrate the ROI of

             your SAP transformation.                                                                                                                 Andy Fleck – Aiming for zero incidents

                                                                        Atos digital performance management for SAP with AppDynamics

                                                                     Speaking a language your business understands to achieve digital transformation

                         Traditional reactive                                                                                                                                                   Real-time proactive
                        SAP monitoring tools                       Pre-transformation                      During transformation                      Post transformation                          SAP monitoring

                 •  Breached SLAs  between IT               Business Process Recovery and            Troubleshooting Business                  Proactive Application Management          •  Transform business operations
                    and the business                        Performance Optimization                 Process Performance
                                                                                                                                               •  Proactive monitoring to end  ‘war      •  Elevate customer experience
                 •  No visibility of end-to-end process     •  Real-time discovery of all business   •  AI-driven business process               room’ scenario
                    (SAP and interconnected services          process end-to-end systems                performance troubleshooting                                                      •  Make your business future-ready
                                                              (including ECC)                                                                  •  Shared view of business process
                 •  Extensive war room scenarios                                                     •  Post-migration comparison of             performance between IT and LOB
                                                            •  Route cause of slow business             business process performance
                                                              processes performance                                                            •  Self-healing application platform
                                                                                                                                                 utilizing ServiceNow ITOM
                                                            •  Pre-migration business process                                                    integration
                                                              performance baseline       15% business                             Reduce                                    Reduce
                                                                                           process                                 MTTI                                   interruptions
                                                                                          throughput                               by 80%                                   by 70%

                                                                                     Powered by                         And integrated with
                   Digital Transformation and Transition

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