Boost operational excellence and shape new customer relationships
Just look at the changes. Markets are de-regulated – although regulation is stiffer than ever. Renewables already make up 10% of the energy mix. Smart grids and meters point the way to smarter and more discerning customers.
And at the heart of this storm of change, there are unprecedented volumes of data which until now, have barely been used.
It’s time to change that. With 30 years’ specialist contribution to the utility sectors, Atos makes a credible and intelligent guide. IDC positions Atos as a leader in its MarketScape analysis of utility market IT service providers.
We offer specialist insight, for example, how to use real-time analytics in revenue protection from non-technical losses or in the development of new customer services.
At the same time, we sustain focus on operational and business technology driving out cost and preparing the foundation for your digitally enabled future.
Key services for our Utilities Clients
Smart Utilities
Exploiting Smart Grids and meters for agile and responsive services.
Atos Codex for Utilities
Establishing a powerful framework for utilities with Codex Connected Intelligence.
Cyber Security
Managing all aspects of security and compliance.
Power Generation
Driving operational excellence with a strong nuclear specialty.
Energizing your digital future
Renewable have become central to new operating models, with the emergence of energy prosumers as a reality, every utility faces acute change. Data and digital technologies are playing a key role in this transformation. Discover how Atos contributes to shaping the new energy world.
Read more!
Positioning paper
New digital horizons in utilities
Download the paper and explore the impact of digital transformation across a new decentralized utilities value chain, in which analytics come to play a key role.
Customer Story
Italian gas and electricity provider
Read about how we used DORA (Digital Operations for Retailers by Atos) to transform the business of an Italian gas and electricity provider in just 15 months.
White Paper
The Future Utility
Download the white paper and read about the transformation of the utility business model.
Press Release
Atos presents “DORA”, the revolutionary digital platform for energy retailers
DORA, the application suite “Digital Operations for Retailer by Atos” has been designed to enable energy retailers operating on the deregulated market for electricity and natural gas to better achieve their digital transformation, delivering their own offers in an agile and safe way.