Page 13 - Atos Digital Performance Management for SAP
P. 13

Using our managed service, Atos was able to do a deep discovery not just of SAP, but of the

             interconnected systems. We were able to show that the SAP Node (Node 1 in the picture) was

             having problems integrating with other systems like SnapLogic. We were able to identify not

             just where the issue was, but the precise line of API code probably causing it.

             By making the connection between application performance and business

             processes and applying tools and techniques to monitor and optimize them

             across all the applications on which they run, the organizations that work with
             Atos can realistically expect to see significant improvements, such as:

             1.  15% increase in business process throughput

             2.  60% fewer IT incidents

             3.  70% fewer process interruptions

             4.  80% reduction in MTTI

                    This dashboard screen is taken from a real-life customer who was having problems with a business process of which SAP was a part.

                           They could not understand what the root cause was—when they looked at the SAP and non-SAP environments separately

                                                                                           everything seemed to be working fine.

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