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Open source

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Open source


Open source and open standards

Ulrich Ahle

CEO FIWARE Foundation

FIWARE brings a curated framework of open source platform components which can be assembled together and with other third-party platform components to build smart solutions faster, easier and cheaper. A simple yet powerful API (FIWARE NGSI) enables the integration of components and provides the basis for the interoperability and replication (portability) of smart solutions.

Becoming truly smart

Our reference architecture for smart cities breaks vertical silos, building a context information management layer that provides a holistic picture of what is going on in the city. By making city data public and merging data from multiple verticals, city-level governance systems can be enhanced.

Common information models

Due to “de-facto” standard information models, there are no costs of adaptation to achieve full interoperability among many different systems in the city. This, in turn, enables the portability of systems across sectors and cities.

Unleashing right-time open data

Third-party solution providers can benefit from right-time open data published by the city and made available through standard APIs. They can sell their solutions to cities across the world, targeting a larger market and boosting businesses.

Thriving data economy

Once the data gathered from all sources are made public and exchangeable, city administrators can offer higher value services to citizens, as well as improve public service delivery. This creates an innovative scenario that cities, private business, and citizens can all benefit from.


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