Virtual New Product Development & Introduction (NPDI) – Use Cases
Business leaders like Head of Strategy, CEO or Head of R&D are demanding faster and more agile product design cycle. Digital Twin product design use cases help to optimize the product design cycle by using feedback loops and insights through data from the real world, mapped into the virtual world.
Benefits generated are improved quality of virtual prototypes, reduced number of changes, increased product quality, higher flexibility to manage and realize product variants and changes.
Heavy Engineering – Cranes
NPDI – R&D, Prototype, Testing
Heavy Engineering – Cranes
NPDI – R&D, Prototype, Testing
Business challenge
content to come later
content to come later
Key Benefits
content to come later
Atos engagement roadmap to realizing Digital Twin
A business driven ideation workshop to identify most promising use cases
Atos’ robust consulting approach (Digital Twin 4M-6C Methodology) is based addressing business challenges. The “4M” design thinking approach helps in identifying relevant digital threads which influences the targeted business KPI. Most promising use case is fast tracked into a Proof of Value (PoV) after a quick Digital Twin assessment using the “6C” maturity pyramid.
Digital Twin 4M-6C methodology is:
4M – What to capture (Digital Twin model fidelity)
6C – How to realize (Digital Twin functionality)