Trust & Cloud: a winning combination for healthcare organizations
The cloud is a key enabler of digital transformation. Migrating to cloud services can deliver significant cost and efficiency gains for healthcare organizations. In this context, building trust in the cloud is a foundation to ensure sensitive stay secure, such as patient electronic medical record (EMR) or pharmaceutical intellectual property.
Atos has built a secure hybrid cloud platform for these complex new ecosystems, adding an additional layer of cloud native security controls that can be managed as a single pane-of-glass covering both cloud computing and legacy environments.
To know more about cloud security challenges and how to build trust in hybrid cloud, download our dedicated positioning paper.
Atos Cloud for healthcare allows you to do more with less.
Improve patient care decisions
From EHR and billing systems to patient IoT devices and other clinical systems, healthcare data comes from many sources. A cloud solution from Atos brings together all the data you need to make faster, more accurate patient care decisions.
Protect sensitive healthcare data
HIPAA regulations require that patient data stays secure, especially in the cloud. We provide complete visibility across your cloud environments to detect, prevent and correct security breaches so your data stays protected, and regulatory compliance is enforced.
Decrease costs by as much as 20%
An Atos cloud solution is flexible and scalable, allowing you to cost-effectively expand as needed. Migrating to an Atos cloud solution enables you to save on costs associated with hardware support and administration, as well as energy usage.
Atos Insights
Why cloud is strategic yet challenging for healthcare organizations
Many healthcare leaders remain hesitant about moving applications and data to a cloud platform. Learn how migrating to cloud personalizes the patient healthcare journey and helps you to make data-driven decisions.
Optimizing healthcare in the cloud for secure, efficient data management
From sensitive patient and clinical data to health records and specialized applications, access to data is more important than ever. Learn how Atos cloud services can help.
Cloud is improving healthcare
Listen to learn how cloud platforms are being used in healthcare and how cloud services and patient care is coming together.
White paper
Atos healthcare cybersecurity overview
See how Atos cybersecurity services bring the power of data analytics and automation to enable healthcare organizations to manage an ever-increasing level of risk.
Is cybersecurity a priority in healthcare?
Atos conducted focus groups of healthcare CXOs, CISOs and IT directors to better understand their cybersecurity-related priorities, challenges and requirements from service providers. Read more about what we learned.
Cybersecurity executive brief
We asked 40 healthcare leaders – from executives to operations – to describe their confidence levels in their organizations’ abilities to detect and recover from a cyberattack.
White paper
CASB: The Cloud Control Point for continuous real time protection
Do you know where all your sensitive data is today? Discover in this brochure how a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) can enhance your cloud security