Autonomous Store Trends:
What to Expect
Watch guest speaker Scott Compton, former Senior Analyst at Forrester, explain the trends in autonomous stores today in our video.
Why download this report?
A new crop of emerging technologies, and the solutions they power, will unleash a new cycle of rising expectations from buyers and employees, as well as changing behaviors and disruption. This report reviews the state of the store tracking and analytics market.
Retail professionals should use this overview to understand the potential of these solutions to inform their technology strategies as they plan for and operate in the post-pandemic “new normal” for retail stores.
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A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly Findings from the report
- Store Analytics are essential for immediate agility and long-term transformation
- To choose store tracking and analytics technology, analyze three primary factors
- Different market conditions require different tracking and analytics approaches
Table of contents
- Store analytics are essential for immediate agility and long-term transformation
- To choose store tracking and analytics technology, analyze three primary factors
- Different market conditions require different tracking and analytics approaches
- Store tracking and analytics are musts during and after the pandemic
- Store analytics solutions are essential to pivot quickly and transform longer term
- Evaluate three factors when choosing store tracking, analytics tech
- Functionality spectrum spans sensor and
- Tracking, analytics and execution, full stack
- The level of technology maturity dictates implementation type and investment level
- Identify key business needs and objectives to choose the solutions that will help you
* A Forrester research report by James McCormick and Scott Compton, August 6, 2021