Leading the way of intelligent society by unlocking the power of 5G connectivity and Edge Computing
Across all digital indicators in the Nordics, connectivity and network remains one of the leading advantages for the region. In the EU, Finland, Sweden and Denmark take the top three positions in Digital Economy and Society index, largely due to connectivity. This is a great advantage for the region and certainly helps it punch above its weight, particularly when it comes to driving 5G and Edge Computing.
All sectors are going through a rapid digital transformation by unlocking the data potential of the connected devices enabled by 5G connectivity and Edge computing.
5G Innovation and Edge computing are truly changing the way the industries are functioning and building consumer interaction to meet the end needs. This is supported by devices communicating with each other, collecting, and exploiting the data for the new industrial solutions.
Across all digital indicators in Europe, 5G connectivity has become an innovation platform, using data to unlock innovation for business-critical solutions which remains one of the focus areas.
The Nordic countries are aimed to lead the high-speed connectivity of 5G technology, innovate solutions and services around the connected devices. All the Nordic countries are working together to identify and abolish regional and legal obstacles to rolling out 5G across borders supported by sustainable solutions. As a result, Denmark’s TDC NET has become the first Nordic digital infrastructure provider to reach nationwide 5G coverage.
With 5G in place now, companies are able to bring speed, lower latency, and more reliability in machine-to-machine communication. With connectivity, adding edge computing transforms the way connected devices process the huge number of data generated by the devices in the infrastructure. To make the system real-time smarter and experience heavy, bringing cloud applications optimizes overall service performance.
5G promises a lot more benefits but without the right stakeholder, the end-to-end value will not be possible. Hence it is important that Network providers must work alongside digital services organizations to provide end-to-end service and solutions for the public and private sectors. These consortiums can together define what’s needed for innovation for a particular industry: managing connection, speed, security, hardware, data storage, and so on. Industry must develop the hardware and software supporting advanced networks. This is how the next generation digital transformation will happen.
Beyond the Nordics ambition, the EU has taken the decision to have a trustworthy federation of data infrastructure bodies that will drive the future infrastructure of Europe, defining the roadmap, policies, rules, and regulations: GAIA-X. Atos is a founding member of GAIA-X, partnered with other service providers to design and build core industrial solutions such as smart cities and industrial infra services.
Network alone cannot bring innovation, but it is the foundation on which it can be built.
Nordics has been the home of Telecom for the last hundred years. They are ahead of the rest of Europe in terms of innovation because networks are driving it fast, and their societies are fast adopters of technology. Some of the world’s most experienced network providers are situated in the Nordics, for example Nokia and Ericsson . They have experience and global clout that they bring to the Nordic industry. The region has a strong foundation on which to build, and this remains a huge competitive advantage.