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Our website uses cookies. You have full control over what you want to activate. You can accept the cookies by clicking on the “Accept all cookies” button or customize your choices by selecting the cookies you want to activate. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button.

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Our website uses cookies to give you the most optimal experience online by: measuring our audience, understanding how our webpages are viewed and improving consequently the way our website works, providing you with relevant and personalized marketing content. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button. Please find more information on our use of cookies and how to withdraw at any time your consent on our privacy policy.

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Ordinary General Meeting October 27, 2020 of Atos SE

Privacy Policy

General information

Atos considers your personal data and your privacy at the utmost importance. This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect and how we process them. We invite you to read them.
Atos SE (“Atos”) is responsible for the processing of personal data relating to the broadcasting of its Ordinary General Meeting on October 27, 2020 through a dedicated Website. Atos SE is a European public limited-liability company (“Societas Europaea”), duly organized and validly existing under the laws of France having its registered office at River Ouest 80, Quai Voltaire, 95870 Bezons, France whose company number at the Commercial registry of Pontoise is 323 623 603 (Tel: +33 1 73 26 00 00).


What is personal data?

Personal data may be any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to that natural person.


Purpose of the processing

As a result of the health crisis, the Ordinary General Meeting on October 27, 2020 will be held behind closed doors. Shareholders and non-shareholders will be able to participate via a webcast made available by Atos allowing them to identify themselves.
The personal data collected while you register, connect to and navigate on the Website is used for the following purposes:

  • Logging to the platform;
  • Realization of an identification file allowing to know the name, the first name, the email address as well as the quality of the people connecting to the General Meeting (shareholder or non-shareholder);
  • Realization of statistics.


Data collection

When accessing to these pages and registering to this event (the “Event”), you will be provided information about the collection of your personal data and will be able to give – or decline to give – your consent.
The data processed by Atos, namely identity data (title, surname, first name, email address, language, position and status as shareholder or not), is collected in order to allow you to access the webcast.
Your personal data can be collected indirectly when using cookies and other technologies while you are consulting the Website (see below).
The required fields for login are marked with an asterisk (*). If you do not answer the mandatory questions, we will not be able to register you for the webcast.
The processing does not provide for automated decision-making.
The processing of participants’ personal data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Atos is subject as a listed company organizing its General Meeting.


Data retention period

Your personal data is only kept for as long as is necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes, i.e. 3 years.


Data recipients

Within the context of management of this processing, the data processed by Atos is reserved for the use of the Investor Relations Department and can only be communicated to our internal and external partners responsible for organizing this event.
In the event that your data is transmitted to other third parties (Atos internal services, etc.), this will comply with applicable laws, within the context of communication of your personal data.


Transfer outside the European Union

Personal data processed within the framework of the stated purposes is not subject to any processing outside the European Union.


Security and confidentiality of your data

Atos, in its capacity as data controller, implements appropriate measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.


Your rights

In accordance with the applicable regulations, you may request access, rectification or deletion of your data. You also have the right to object to and to restrict the processing of your data and the right to data portability.
To exercise these rights, please complete this online form to contact the Atos Data Protection Office.
Atos appointed a data protection officer who can be reached by sending a message at the following address: dpo-france@atos.net


Policy for cookies and other tracking technologies


  1. Principle

This concerns the trackers stored and read during consultation of this platform, when an email is read or when software or a mobile application is installed or used, regardless of the type of terminal used (e.g. computer, smartphone, e-reader or video game console connected to the Internet).

Our platform uses functional trackers that are essential for the proper functioning of the website.

Please note that if you uninstall a functional cookie (authentication cookie, etc.), you may not be able to benefit from some of the services.


  1. How to remove and configure your cookies or other trackers

Our platform uses functional trackers.

To learn more about cookies and to configure your browser, please visit this page.


  1. Types of cookies and trackers and configuration

The cookies that can be installed on your server when you browse the site are cookies that have either the exclusive purpose of allowing or facilitating electronic communication or are strictly necessary for the provision of the service you are requesting (language cookies, identification cookies, etc.), or statistical cookies or other cookies under the conditions described below.

Cookies déposés sur la plateforme Event afin de consulter la mention d’information relative à ce traitement et les mentions légales :

Retention period
PHPSESSID Session cookie Length of active Session
M6_player_cookie Anonymously identifies a returning user to support features such as persistent registration and reporting. Value stored is hashed and has no meaning outside of MMC. 1 year
AWSALB Amazon web services load balancing 1 week
AWSALBCORS Amazon web services load balancing 1 week
mmc-console-session-id Identifies an MMC backend user Browser session time
SimplSAML Used for certain rare cases of player SSO identification Browser session time

Cookies placed on the Event platform in order to consult the information mention relating to this processing and the legal notices:

Cookie name
Retention period
ci_session Unique session identifier of a user 1 hour
bee_hitcounter Anonymous statistics on the pages visited during a session 1 hour