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ISG Provider Lens™ Private/Hybrid Cloud – Data Center Services reports 2024

Atos named a Leader across European countries

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Atos has been positioned as Leader in the European Information Services Group Provider Lens™ reports for Private/Hybrid Cloud – Data Center Services.

The reports


A Leader in Managed Services for Large Accounts and Managed Hosting.


A Leader in Managed Services for Large Accounts and Managed Hosting for Large Accounts.

The Netherlands

A Leader in Managed Services.

The U.K.

A Leader in Managed Services for Large Accounts and Product Challenger in Managed Hosting.

These rankings, achieved in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK in the Managed Services and Managed Hosting categories, validate Atos’s capability to meet local needs with our global solutions.

According to ISG, companies designated as “Leaders” possess a broad range of products and services, a robust market presence, and a well-established competitive position. They also exemplify innovation and competitive resilience.

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Thank you for your interest. You can download the report here.
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Our Capabilities

Go beyond cloud first — be cloud smart

Cloud and Infrastructure

Hybrid Cloud Platforms

Meet our experts

Melanie De Vigan

VP, Head of Growth and Strategy for Digital Workplace, Atos

  • Email Melanie De Vigan
  • Follow Melanie De Vigan on LinkedIn

Colin Corbett

Global Product Manager – Intelligent Collaboration

  • Email Colin  Corbett
  • Follow Colin  Corbett on LinkedIn

Vivek Malviya

Principal Consultant, Digital Workplace Consulting

  • Email Vivek Malviya
  • Follow Vivek Malviya on LinkedIn