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Frictionless Underwriting: Moving from Art to Science

July 20, 2023 | Online webinar

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Join Insurance experts from Eviden, DataSentics (an Eviden business) and Pega on this webinar to explore:

What are the common causes of friction/ bottlenecks in the insurance underwriting value stream?

How can the friction in the underlying process be reduced?

How frictionless underwriting can impact the customer experience?

What are some key regulatory and privacy considerations that arise when implementing frictionless underwriting?

What advancements can one anticipate in the field of frictionless underwriting, in the future?

Insurance underwriting has become more complex as the amount of data that underwriters use to evaluate risk increases. Underwriters are under enormous pressure to deliver quotes to customers quickly while also considering the risk and pricing. The underwriting process however largely remains manual, and frequently peppered with requests for further information and back and forth between the underwriter, the broker/agent and the customer. Insurers need to ask themselves, “Why?

Advancements in technologies such as AI, ML, NLP, and data analytics has unlocked great potential to augment the underwriting process and make underwriters more productive by providing timely insights and reducing the end-to-end underwriting timeframe. In this marketplace, reducing the time from the application submission to a quote with competitive pricing is critical.

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July 20, 2023

10 AM ET or 4 PM CET

Online webinar

Duration: 45 minuntes


Pawan Mishra
Global Financial Services & Insurance Marketing Lead – Eviden

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Tom Gukelberger

Global Insurance Lead – Eviden

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David Vopelka

FSI AI solutions Lead – DataSentics (an Eviden business)

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Doug Stitzer

Global Insurance Industry Lead – Pega

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