Privacy policy

Our website uses cookies to give you the most optimal experience online by: measuring our audience, understanding how our webpages are viewed and improving consequently the way our website works, providing you with relevant and personalized marketing content.
You have full control over what you want to activate. You can accept the cookies by clicking on the “Accept all cookies” button or customize your choices by selecting the cookies you want to activate. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button. Please find more information on our use of cookies and how to withdraw at any time your consent on our privacy policy.

Managing your cookies

Our website uses cookies. You have full control over what you want to activate. You can accept the cookies by clicking on the “Accept all cookies” button or customize your choices by selecting the cookies you want to activate. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button.

Necessary cookies

These are essential for the user navigation and allow to give access to certain functionalities such as secured zones accesses. Without these cookies, it won’t be possible to provide the service.
Matomo on premise

Marketing cookies

These cookies are used to deliver advertisements more relevant for you, limit the number of times you see an advertisement; help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign; and understand people’s behavior after they view an advertisement.
Adobe Privacy policy | Marketo Privacy Policy | Pardot Privacy Policy | Oktopost Privacy Policy | MRP Privacy Policy | AccountInsight Privacy Policy | Triblio Privacy Policy

Social media cookies

These cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns.
LinkedIn Policy

Our website uses cookies to give you the most optimal experience online by: measuring our audience, understanding how our webpages are viewed and improving consequently the way our website works, providing you with relevant and personalized marketing content. You can also decline all non-necessary cookies by clicking on the “Decline all cookies” button. Please find more information on our use of cookies and how to withdraw at any time your consent on our privacy policy.

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Atos Approach to Privacy

Cookies and other tracking technologies

Atos is committed to comply with the EU Directive on privacy in electronic communications. For this purpose, we have developed the following notice which intends to give you all the keys to manage the cookies we use while you’re visiting our website.

What is a Cookie? Cookies are small files which are downloaded on to a device when the user accesses certain websites. The piece of information is then sent to the original website when the user visits the page again or when he/she visits a website that recognizes the cookie. Cookies allow a website to recognize users, to understand the users’ navigation on different websites, thus facilitating user’s navigation, save his/her preferences and improving his/her utilization of the website. Cookies can have different objectives and utilities. For more information about cookies, visit the following websites: and

Atos Cookies We intend to ensure that you enjoy your experience on our website. For this reason, when visiting our Atos website, cookies are installed on the computer.

When surfing on Atos website(s), data logs of your surfing activity may be collected with the purpose of understanding aggregate usage of features and pages and the purpose of contacting and conducting real time chats with our support professionals. For this very purpose we use Matomo and Marketo.

In order to optimize the website for future usage, we use the web analysis tool Matomo on premise. This enables us the analysis of your usage of the website. It is not possible to attribute the hereby collected data to any distinct person. The noted IP-address is anonymized immediately. After temporarily securing the shortened IP-address for the purpose of analysis of user behaviour it will be deleted completely. Without this data, we would not be able to provide you the service we are currently offering to you. Your data will be used only to improve the user experience on our website and help you find the information you are looking for.

Purpose of the Cookies Please note that these settings are only valid for the pages created and owned by Atos. When we imbed a link to external websites and that you click on these links you leave our website and therefore the settings and policy applying to our website no longer applies. You should consider the new website cookies policy and settings.

Atos Cookie Table

  1. Session cookie or permanent cookie
    1. ‘Session’ cookies remain in your browser during your browser session only, i.e. until you leave the website.
    2. ‘Persistent’ cookies remain in your browser after the session (unless deleted by you).
  2. Utility Cookies
    1. Necessary Cookies – There are essential for the user navigation and allow to give access to certain functionalities such as secured zones accesses. Without these cookies, it won’t be possible to provide the service.
    2. Performance Cookies – Collect information about your use of the website, such as webpages visited and any error messages; they do not collect personally identifiable information, and the information collected is aggregated such that it is anonymous. Performance cookies are used to improve how a website works.
    3. Functionality Cookies- Allow the website to remember any choices you make about the website (such as changes to text size, customized pages, user name, language) or enable services such as commenting on a blog.
    4. Targeting Cookies – Cookies used to deliver advertisements more relevant for you, limit the number of times you see an advertisement; help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign; and understand people’s behaviour after they view an advertisement.
  3. First Party/ Third Party Cookies
    1. First party cookies are set and used uniquely by Atos
    2. Third party cookies are either set-up by and/or used by a third party, other an Atos

Where the cookie is mandatory, “NA” can appear in the part “How to disable / enable this cookie”.

Download the cookie table in PDF format

Changes to this Policy Matomo on premise Analytics, Google Dialog flow & Olark Chat: refer to paragraph “Atos Cookies”. If you have any questions refer to paragraph “Your rights”.

How can I control or delete cookies? To delete your cookies or change your preferences, please click here.

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